2019 has been an interesting year for Wetfjord. We have moved from a dedicated server in Germany to our own hardware in a dedicated data center in Stockholm, we have fixed map rotations for hl2dm and tf2, made Hansibot, renewed the website, continued work on the “wetfjordgivemesomevisitorsgoddammit”-bot and much more.
A few old players have come back and a lot of new players have joined our amazing community. Countless of hours have been spent on various projects in game, like the rainbow mountain by tekt, lenny2000’s big underground city and even spawn has gotten a big makeover.
Going into a new decade in a few hours i would like to thank all the people that have made this journey possible. The people that help newbies find their way around in the server, the players bullshitting in Discord day in and out, the people that bought me a beer, the people making amazing builds, hell even the Russians kicking the shit out of me in HL2:DM, and of course the rest of the community too.
A special thanks goes to the Wetfjord crew (in no particular order): Tekt, Proloafer, Mathiaz, Incognition and Flodder450. Without you Wetfjord wouldn’t be as amazing as it is. I really appreciate you putting in time and effort.
I’m looking forward to what 2020 has to offer and i hope all of you will be part of it.
Happy new year!
– Admin Vbownswow