Ok everyone! Big changes are coming to Wetfjord!

Before the end of the month we are going to upgrade the server Wetfjord resides on to something MUCH beefier!.

For the computer people here it means that we are going to upgrade from:
2core cpu @ 2.1Ghz 2Gb RAM, 40Gb SSD hosted at a virtual private server
8core Cpu @2.6Ghz, 32Gb RAM, 300Gb SSD as a dedicated server

The reason for this change is that we are running out of disk space on the VPS we have now and it would cost almost as much to upgrade to more storage at my current host than to change to the setup above.

This means that we have a LOT more power. And I mean A LOT.
Because of that we can host more things. Other game servers for example. I don’t know which servers yet but shoot some idea’s and if they are popular I will definitely host them.

One downside though, because I need to migrate to a completely new host Wetfjord is going to be down for a little while. Perhaps several hours. The date isn’t decided yet but I will try to migrate as much as possible without disrupting service. Because of how the internet works there will also be a period of time (up to 24 hours) where the address “wetfjord.eu” will not be pointed to the right server anymore even though the new server is online. In that time you can use an IP adress to access the minecraft server.

At the same time I would like to thank you guys for making Wetfjord so great. We started 2 years ago as a way for me and my girlfriend to play while not at the same place. And now we are at a place where we have grown out of our host. I have great pleasure in hosting all this stuff for you guys and I would love to continue doing that for many years to come


Your admin.